Well, Halloween was eventful! Carly goes to her dad's house every other weekend, and this year Halloween fell on his weekend. However, he was nice
enough to let Ray and I pick her up and take her to a Halloween party and trick or treating. Carly (despite my attempts to make her a "batterina") decided to be a kitty cat. It was VERY hard to find a cat costume for a little girl. They were either all for baby/toddlers or "sexy" kittens for teenagers. Finally we found one that fit her okay, (The pants were a bit saggy on her behind, and the shirt was a belly shirt... I don't know if it was intended to be a belly shirt, but we found something to go underneath!)
First stop for Halloween, we took Carly to her gym class. She goes to gym class every Tuesday, but they threw a Saturday Halloween Party. She loves that place, and is getting quite good at it. After that, we took off and headed to Scheels sports store and rode the Ferris Wheel and trick or treated at the stores there. An hour or so later, we met our friend (And Realtor!) April to trick or treat with her and her kids. Carly loves her daughter Hailey, and they get along really well. We went trick or treating in a neighborhood by them and it was CROWDED! I haven't see those many trick or treaters ever! Carly had fun, but by the end of the night she was pooped. We took her back to her dads and got her early Sunday morning. She made out like a bandit, though. Tons of candy, and lots of reminders she needs to brush those teeth before anymore fall out!
The Friday before that, Ray and I took off to San Francisco, California to spend the day there. We got in late Thursday night (Later than expected due to the closer of the Bay Bridge. Our late detour tacked on 40 minutes of travel time!) We woke up early and ate our 'yummy' complimentary hotel breakfast and then walked through Chinatown. After that we hit up the Fishermans Wharf where we were peddled out of money, and people tried to con us our of whatever they could! After that we took a boat ride out to the Alcatraz Island and took a tour there, and explored a little bit. We spent a good fews hours there, and then after getting back ashore decided to head home. We were in for a biiiiiig surprise. We left San Francisco at 3:00 pm. We made it successfully out of San Francisco around 5:00 pm. And to Vallejo 40 miles away around 7:00 pm. 4 hours to drive around 80 miles. We drove about 15 miles an hour the majority of the time, almost ran out of gas, and vowed not to ever go back when the Bay Bridge was closed! It was a fun trip though!
The time change has us all wonky, Carly is already tired and it's only 6:45. I'm trying my best to keep her up as late as I can, but I am betting another 45 minutes and she will be asleep on the floor! Here is a link to some
Pictures And I threw in some from the pumpkin patch we took her to a few weeks ago!