Carly started Ballet last week. She goes on Mondays for 45 minutes, and loves it. I don't have any pictures (yet) because she has only gone once. Our luck- her second week was their spring break! She loves getting all dressed up and feeling pretty. My mom will be taking her until after the baby is born, and then I will step in. I'm also thinking about enrolling her in swimming lessons for the summer. She is so close to being able to swim, that lessons would just perfect it!
Ray is starting the backyard this weekend. Mark will be up here Saturday, so hopefully he can offer a few pointers. As soon as we have established grass, we are going to get Carly a swing set. We took her to Toys R Us to look at them (When did they get to be in the $500 range?!) And let her pick out a few. She can't wait, but she also wants a trampoline, haha.
We are now less than two months out (A little over 7 weeks) until baby time. The baby is active all the time, and seems to love being awake between 10:00 pm and 11:00 pm. Ray and I have a class next week on taking care of infants. I'm looking forward to the refresher course.
The baby shower is somewhat in swing for two weeks from this weekend. I wish everyone who was out of state could come, but we will see you all shortly after the baby is here. We feel so unprepared for this baby supply-wise, but have been holding off on buying a lot of little stuff until the shower. It will be nice to be able to take a step back and figure out what we need.
All of us are well though... Carly has a slight ear and sinus infection (again) but is still in good spirits. Ray is just working, working, working, and loves every second of it! And I am just really, really tired. I feel like I can never get enough sleep!
I shall leave you with the one picture I have. I hope everyone is well!
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