Thursday, September 30, 2010


I am used to being sleep deprived, but this is a little much. Last night, we took Carly to spend the night at my mom's house, knowing it was going to be a long night. Because of the general anesthesia, Wesley was forbidden from milk after midnight, and clear liquids after 2 am. Ray and I woke him up a little before 12 and he ate four ounces, and then slept until 4 am. I was so paranoid I didn't fall asleep until after 2, then up at 4 while the little man cried, and cried. He was so hungry and so mad I wouldn't feed him. Ray got up and helped, and we got ready and got to the hospital at about 5:30. Wesley was such a trooper, was all smiles and so happy up until about 15 minutes before 7. The doctor finally came and got him at about 7:15, and 20 minutes later I could hear the baby screaming. We got back there and Wesley was crying cries I've never heard before, it was so sad! It took us an hour to get out of recovery, and he has been pretty fussy all day. Hopefully tomorrow he will be back to his sweet self!
Carly was very concerned for her brother, and wanted to make sure he was going to be okay. She is the only one who can make him smile without even trying. Such a sweet big sister!

The other night I applied for a job at Best Buy. Why? I don't know, honestly. They called me today and want me to come in for an interview tomorrow. It would be nice to have some extra money around the holidays, but I'm not sure how I feel about leaving the baby. I like being able to put him to bed, and like being able to just devote time to him, Carly, and the house. Nothing is for sure, of course, but I will know more after the interview tomorrow.

I am too tired to think of anything else to write. I am just hanging in so I can watch the new Grey's Anatomy, and then I am off to bed!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1 year ago..

Well, good-ish news from the pediatrician today. Wesley's infection is finally gone, yay! He does still, however, have a build up of fluid behind both ears which is causing him pain, and making him susceptible to getting another infection. She gave us one more antibiotic to hold us over until we see the ear doc, just to make sure he doesn't get re-infected. She also called a different Ear doctor for us, who can see us tomorrow instead of in 3 weeks. It makes me kind of sad, because Carly's ear doctor is awesome, but this one is supposed to be great, and he REALLY needs to be seen. He does seem SO much happier though, and is giggling daily now.

Today has been one year since the Wedding. So much has happened in this one year... House, Baby, and everything in between. My mother is watching the kids tonight so Ray and I can go to dinner. This will be the first time we've been alone since Wesley graced us with his presence. It should be interesting... haha.

The air races ended yesterday, but I heard planes flying over the house this morning. Hopefully that is just the last of them leaving, and tomorrow will be quiet. Carly NEEDS it to be quiet! I miss my sweet girl, too! We bought her a Jessie the Cowgirl costume for Halloween, but it's a little small. So if anyone is going to a Disney Store, please be on the look out for Jessie outfit size 7/8 and Jessie cowgirl boots size 13/1. Thanks! Carly is stoked because Wesley is going to be Woody the cowboy. So cute!

I wrote that yesterday (9/20/10) And never got a chance to post it. So here is an update:
Wesley's appointment is in 2 hours, and hopefully we will get good news. He has been a pretty happy baby today.
Carly had a GREAT day yesterday, and we are hoping for the same today. She was in an amazing mood when we got home.
We took both kids to my mom's so that Ray and I could go to dinner. It was nice being alone, but we missed the kids. Also, we had just pulled up to where we were eating when a driver flagged us down- our tire was flat! So, we had to call AAA to come out and change the tire for us (Our jack isn't a good jack, and the spare tire was under the middle of the van!) but it was pretty quick. Ray and I took it today and just replaced both of those back tires. Turns out we had run over a nail. Third one in 2 months, haha. I think we have magnetic tires!

We also picked up the pictures from the other day, and I will be mailing them out shortly.

That is all for now, because we have to go pick up Carly from school. Hope everyone is well!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Airplanes in the night sky...

Cause anxiety amongst little girls. It is that time of year. The Reno Air Races are back. This is our first year living in our house during them and, hey! they fly right over our house. Carly is scared of them, and they have been keeping her awake at night, and then they start practicing at around 5 am! So, she is running off no sleep, and has a terrible week at school. Hopefully, once they are gone we can get back to where we were. Poor girl. She had an GREAT week last week, and this one is off to a bad start.

We got a call from Wesley's ear doctor. They want to see him October 7th, and at that time they will more than likely schedule surgery to put in tubes. The downside to all of this is, our insurance for Wesley just went into affect Monday, so they may try to say this is a preexisting condition, and we will be paying for it out of pocket. Whatever we need to do. We just want the little man to feel better.

I just made our reservations for Lunch with the Princesses in Disneyland. I am so excited to go! I am even more excited that both our mothers are going! It will be such a fun trip for everyone, and I'm really glad we decided to fly instead of drive!

I don't have much more to say tonight, but I will leave a few of Wesley's newest pictures. I don't have any of Carly so far this week, but she has picture day at school on Thursday, so she will have more soon, I'm sure!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Family Pictures

So, we finally went and had pictures done. The kids did REALLY well. Wesley needed a break in between to take a 30 minute nap, but other than that they went smoothly. Carly's pictures turned out adorable without any fake smiles. We ordered a bunch and we will have them on the 23rd to start to give out amongst the family.
You can preview them all here though,

Wesley is still sick. We took him back to the doctor on Friday to see if his ear infections had cleared up. Nope. The left side looks better, with just some fluid left, but the right side is still badly infected and encased in pus. Yummy! Poor man got a new antibiotic and will now have to be seen by Carly's ENT to evaluate what to do next. He is in good spirits though. He is very close to sitting on his own. He hates to be reclined, and uses those abdominal muscles to get himself into the sitting position. (Sometimes, he works them too hard and flings himself forward!)

Carly had an amazing week at school. She didn't have any bad days at all, and she even got her homework done early. Her handwriting is improving so much, which I know is hard for my little left-handed wonder. We took her to the store the other day and watched her dance to the music. It was hilarious! Did I mention Ray finally finished her graduation video? He did. I wonder if he uploaded it...

I receive the rest of my cloth diapers Monday, and I have to say- I really am in love with it. The only downside is the extra bulkiness. But Wesley doesn't mind, so I don't either! My favorites by far are the BumGenius and the FuzziBunz. I ordered a bunch of both, but realized I don't really like the velcro, and I ordered quite a few with it. Boo. I've found my groove with washing them, and they are so cute on his little tush. If I could do it again, I'd cloth diaper from the start, and recommend it to anyone and every one!

I'm currently making Carly's weighted blanket, to see if that helps her sleep any better. But so far I have finished:
  • Pacifier Clips
  • A Taggy Blanket for Wesley
  • Wesley's shopping cart cover
I also had to fix Carly's shirt the other day, which I did successfully. I was quite proud of myself!

I have a few new pictures to post, and I will a little bit later tonight.
Hope everyone is well!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ka-boom in Cloth.

Let me first start off with, Ray thinks I am doing my homework. Shhhh...

So, as most everyone knows, little Wesley has a nasty ear infection. Make that TWO nasty ear infections. We took him to the doctor on Friday because we wasn't himself, and there they were in all their red-ness. Dr D. says that if he has another one soon, or we can't get this one gone, we are going to assume he is like his sister and proceed with implanting tubes. I'm okay with that, tubes- He just caught me blogging, lol- I would rather have them done, and have Wesley feeling better. We are on full day 2 of the antibiotics, and he seems a bit better, but still a tad fussy. But one thing that can soothe him....
He has been kind of sucking on his thumb/whole hand on and off, but today he officially found his thumb. Just now, he was fussing, and the minute he got his thumb in his mouth- silence. He hits himself in the face, gets 3 fingers, then 2, then the thumb, and he's good. At the grocery store earlier, he fussed and fussed in my arms, and then next thing I know thumb is in, and he is asleep. That thumb is magic. Mind you, I wish he was dependent on the pacifier and not his thumb, but who am I to stand in the way of his happiness?
Yeah, he's pretty stinking cute.
We also just started cloth diapering. Just, as in Thursday. Oh, did I mention that on Friday he was prescribed an antibiotic that, erm, digests his food quickly? At first I was thinking, "Oh great... this mess I can't throw away." But he was in 2 disposables for 2 of the messes, and it ended up everywhere. All over his clothes, me, everything. The cloth diapers have kept about 6 of those messes contained! But really, I do like cloth diapering.

Carly is with her dad for the whole weekend, and it's pretty lonely around here. I am going to try and tackle her room tomorrow while she is gone. She cleaned it the other day, so that means I need to go in and really clean it! When I did her homework with her this week, I noticed her handwriting is getting to be so much better. It's legible, and neater than ever. Also, she is reading whole books to us now. My little reader :)

The baby is screaming, and Ray claims he is screaming for me. Sure. But really, I should go put him to bed.
Oh, and a picture of him in his cloth diaper- So far! (The diaper below is a BumGenius 4.0... and it's amazing!)

More another time!