Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ka-boom in Cloth.

Let me first start off with, Ray thinks I am doing my homework. Shhhh...

So, as most everyone knows, little Wesley has a nasty ear infection. Make that TWO nasty ear infections. We took him to the doctor on Friday because we wasn't himself, and there they were in all their red-ness. Dr D. says that if he has another one soon, or we can't get this one gone, we are going to assume he is like his sister and proceed with implanting tubes. I'm okay with that, tubes- He just caught me blogging, lol- I would rather have them done, and have Wesley feeling better. We are on full day 2 of the antibiotics, and he seems a bit better, but still a tad fussy. But one thing that can soothe him....
He has been kind of sucking on his thumb/whole hand on and off, but today he officially found his thumb. Just now, he was fussing, and the minute he got his thumb in his mouth- silence. He hits himself in the face, gets 3 fingers, then 2, then the thumb, and he's good. At the grocery store earlier, he fussed and fussed in my arms, and then next thing I know thumb is in, and he is asleep. That thumb is magic. Mind you, I wish he was dependent on the pacifier and not his thumb, but who am I to stand in the way of his happiness?
Yeah, he's pretty stinking cute.
We also just started cloth diapering. Just, as in Thursday. Oh, did I mention that on Friday he was prescribed an antibiotic that, erm, digests his food quickly? At first I was thinking, "Oh great... this mess I can't throw away." But he was in 2 disposables for 2 of the messes, and it ended up everywhere. All over his clothes, me, everything. The cloth diapers have kept about 6 of those messes contained! But really, I do like cloth diapering.

Carly is with her dad for the whole weekend, and it's pretty lonely around here. I am going to try and tackle her room tomorrow while she is gone. She cleaned it the other day, so that means I need to go in and really clean it! When I did her homework with her this week, I noticed her handwriting is getting to be so much better. It's legible, and neater than ever. Also, she is reading whole books to us now. My little reader :)

The baby is screaming, and Ray claims he is screaming for me. Sure. But really, I should go put him to bed.
Oh, and a picture of him in his cloth diaper- So far! (The diaper below is a BumGenius 4.0... and it's amazing!)

More another time!

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