Saturday, August 13, 2011

My favorite isn't your favorite. So what?

I try so hard not to play favorites with kids, and I don't think there is really a way to play favorites with a huge age gap like theirs. What one needs is usually not what the other needs. It will different as they both get older, and transition into teens/young adults etc. Looking back on my childhood,  you can see how hard it was to keep it obvious that my mom didn't favor any one of us. Even now, I think she tries. Of course, Jordan will always be the baby- that will never change. And Carly and mom will always share a special bond that will never change.  But mom tried to keep things as fair as she could as we grew up, and I respect her so much for that. A three of us are so different in so many ways, and my mom makes sure to make us feel like no one of us is better than the other. Favoritism is so old, and so overplayed, and I am so sick of seeing it in the most ridiculous places.

Anyways, I want to go swimming. Both kids have some energy to blow off, and I think we will go do something! Days like today really make me miss living within driving distance to the ocean. In fact, I've bee pretty homesick all week. I hope this passes soon... It can make one pretty miserable!

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